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“Let’s create an inspired Andy Warhol artwork! How can we create a Pop Art exhibition?”

This has been the driving question for my didactic sequence of practicum IV. The school is located in a neighbourhood formed by families with few resources and a very low cultural level. Students are not used to go to a museum if it is not with the school, and their level of english is very week. This didactic sequence has been applied in the higher level of primary education in the Arts&Crafts subject, where they work in CLIL. Nevertheless, it can be adapted to the different stages. 


With the teaching sequence I present in this website I wanted my students to go a little bit farther than what they are used to. I wanted them to learn about Pop Art by making them construct the knowledge instead of being me explaining it, I wanted them to be creative and learn english in a fun way! Who does not want to show their work in an exhibition?! 


In this website you will be able to find the challenges that we need to consider in a CLIL teaching sequence (what should we take into consideration in a CLIL lesson? Which type of activities should we include? In which ones do we make our students use English? Which scaffolding resources do we provide? How do we assess?), the CLIL teaching sequence I implemented in practicum IV and a final reflecion (Did I achieved what I expected?) of the whole experience. 



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