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This has been the driving question for my didactic sequence of practicum V. The aim of this practicum is to develop our skills as English teachers, therefor, the didactic sequence has been thought to be developed in the English class.


The school is located in a neighbourhood formed by families with few resources and a very low cultural level. Moreover, their level of english is very weak. This didactic sequence has been applied in the higher level of primary education.  Nevertheless, it can be adapted to the different stages. 


With the teaching sequence I present in this website I wanted my students to go a little bit farther than what they are used to. I wanted them to learn about food but also healthy habits, my plate, the food pyramid. However, I also wanted to create a context in which knowing the vocabulary about food is useful, this is the reason why I decided to make them create a restaurant and learn some expressions to use if they travel. 


In this website you will be able to find the classroom language I used during the  internship, the detailed teaching unit, as well as a co-teaching activity develped with another future teacher in the school "La Lluna" in Castellar del Vallés. Moreover, you will identify the reflections of the implementation of my teaching unit as well as the whole development of this practicum. 

How should a healthy restaurant be?

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